Friday, February 10, 2012

finally finished with Gehman

Well since 2009, I've been working on the sir name Gehman / Hefley. I have finished the research and put all the information together in 4, 4-inch book binders filled with pictures, records, trees, all kinds of information one might need to know about their family history. This was a big family with a possibility of Indian heritage in it also, which is what took me so long. That was another binder of letters, pictures, records and stuff to prove the heritage. I finally realized, that I needed to start working on my own family genealogy before it's to late. So I've been putting together all my stuff, and getting it ready to put in the binders for my daughters. That alone will take over a year to put together. I'm still gathering information, but I believe I am soon at my end of my research....a few brick walls, but they were over come....Hopefully I won't take as long to write in my blog as it did before....Till then, Happy hunting...